
"We come from the earth, we return to the earth, and in between we garden." - Anon.

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Spring has sprung!!

I have been a self confessed garden geek ever since my early twenties when I began keeping a (portable) collection of plants outside my back door, which moved from house to house with me during my student days. When I eventually saved enough to buy a house, the pots joined a long but thin garden, which occupies my thoughts and dreams pretty much continuously as I plan what can go where, and what will I grow this year? It is my solace when I am troubled, and my rest when I come home from a tough day in work.

When I moved in eight years ago, the garden was neglected and overgrown. I have since experimented with various areas, laid decking and paving, made raised beds and even found a home for some ex battery chickens. It is, however, never finished, and I am always coming up with different ideas to make it "better"

Since January, I have been itching to get outside and get going, and "make it better" which this year involves laying a proper path (not just stepping stones nestling in a quagmire of mud), a new lawn to replace the one that the chickens have decimated in the last few years, and moving the chicken shed to nearer the back of the garden to give them a bigger run rather than letting them free range (and trash the neighbouring gardens like last year!)

Here are a few photos of the devastation that has occurred so far. Humble beginnings but hopefully the start of something beautiful...


  1. And then you can come and do mine??? :)

  2. I don't have a garden so I'm just a tiny bit envious! It looks like you're doing a complete revamp so I wish you luck with it.
    And thanks for liking my blog...Flighty xx

  3. Hi Flighty! Thanks for stopping by to read my blog ;0)Thanks for your kind wishes... I always wanted an allotment, but the waiting lists here are so long, and I don't have time to look after both, so I decided to grow veg in my garden instead, but I do have plot envy!!! ;0D DF x
