
"We come from the earth, we return to the earth, and in between we garden." - Anon.

Friday, 4 March 2011

Sowing the seeds....

For the past few weeks, if it has been too wet to work outside I have sat indoors poring over seed catalogues planning what to sow and grow this year.

Impatience has finally got the better of me, and last week I started making some sowings on my windowsills to see if I could get an extra early crop that would not get too leggy before I can start to harden them off outside.

On the go so far are:
a) Onion purplette - a spring onion with a purple tinge (hubby has started learning to pickle so these are for him)
b) Beetroot Boltardy
c) Radishes
d) Spring onions
e) Tomato "Gardeners delight"
f) A variety of chilli peppers
g) Marigolds
h) Lobelia

In the greenhouse I have started :
a) Onion sets in modules (I have heavy clay and it is easier to get them started this way)
b) Leeks
c) Lettuce
d) Thyme
e) Cavalo Nero Kale
f) Garlic

And thats just for starters!!!


  1. That's an impressive list just for starters!
    I'm not much good at growing seeds indoors on the windowsills but I shall try again as usual!
    I don't have a greenhouse either...perhaps one day! Flighty

  2. Thankyou! ;0) I'm finding that they are getting a little bit leggy now. I've potted some of them on to my (unheated) greenhouse now, and I'll be interested to see how they fare... Do you wait to sow direct then?

  3. Yes nearly everything I grow I plant or sow direct on the plot. I try to start some things, like tomatoes, off at home but usually end up being given some plants by my generous plot neighbour Joe!
    Don't tell anyone but I'm really a bit of a lazy gardener so can't be bothered faffing about with seed trays, potting on, etc. Flighty xx

  4. He he..I normally start with the best of intentions but find everything a bit too much to keep up with come May, and so a lot inevitably end up frazzled and neglected. Would love to try sowing direct, but heavy clay, a multitude of slugs and a variety of neighbouring cats that think my veg beds are their personal toilets have put me off!
