
"We come from the earth, we return to the earth, and in between we garden." - Anon.

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Busy busy busy!!!

A recent burst of nice weather has meant a very busy few weeks out in the garden.

I have finally finished the path, and where there was a desolate expanse of chicken scratched ground I now have a lawn...

The seedlings are growing nicely...

Potatoes are chitting ready to be planted out...

I've made a new raised bed, where the fruit bushes are thriving....

...and I have radishes in the ground there too that are not getting too nibbled...

And best of all my little yellow flying saucer squash plants are shooting up!

Life is good!!!


  1. The lawn looks wonderful. Am looking forward to seeing it, but where are the hens going to go?

  2. You've been busy, it's all looking good and it'll be even better come the summer! Flighty xx
